Welcome to the Master The Middle Splits Challenge!
Before you get started there is something I NEED you to do and I promise you won’t regret it!
I need you to set up your phone and film/photograph your current middle split. I want you to do a very quick warm up:
• 30 seconds jog on spot
• Forward and backward leg swings x 10 each leg
• Side to side leg swings x 10 each leg
• Side squat/Side lunge x 8 each side
• Standing wide leg fold x 30 seconds
• Frog pose stretch x 30 seconds
Then move into your current version of a Middle Split and snap a pic!
You will absolutely LOVE looking back on this as your flexibility progresses and will be such an easy way to see how far you’ve come. Go do it NOW, then come back to explore the rest of the challenge!
So let’s continue!
Below you will find your ‘Master the Middle Splits’ Challenge Guide. This is ESSENTIAL to read and use throughout the challenge. Without it, your ability to progress will be drastically limited.
Your first port of call for Day 1 is to watch the 5-part Master the Middle Splits Workshop classes. You will find those at the bottom of this page.
You are welcome to break these down and watch over a couple of days if you prefer!
Below is your calendar to follow for the 28 days of the challenge.
The Flow classes (in white) are hosted within the Livinleggings Studio and you will need to redeem these classes using the link below:
IMPORTANT: If you have not already done so, you will need to create an account in the Livinleggings Studio to be able to access these classes. You will see a ‘Sign Up’ button and it is completely free of charge.
You are welcome to watch the Q&A videos whenever it works for you, there is no specific day.
Be sure to join the Facebook Community where you can ask questions, share your practice and connect with others to keep you accountable and motivated throughout the challenge!
Finally, here are your IG story templates for you to share your progress through the challenge if you wish!
Good luck for your next 28 days! You’ve got this!